Dangerous Bacteria & Viruses

MRSA, Flesh eating bacteria (Necrotizing Fasciitis), E. coli, and C. difficile are examples of dangerous bacteria that are threatening our society, causing illness.

Ozone is scientifically proven to eliminate bacteria when applied at high concentrations in what are known as “shock treatment” methods. Considered one of nature’s most powerful oxidizing agents, ozone destroys bacteria through a process known as cell lyses. Ozone Clean Pro high output ozone generators have a patent pending design that delivers pure ozone gas effectively into targeted treatment areas, destroying the bacteria that pose a risk to athletes, our children, and the elderly.

Problem: The press frequently reports of incidences involving MRSA outbreaks in high school football locker rooms, wrestling and work out gyms, or of Legionnaires’ disease running rampant in an Assisted Living facility. Frequently, the results of such outbreaks are disastrous, and typically they report of inadequate measures to combat the problem. Unfortunately, many of these bacteria or viruses can survive on surfaces for extended periods, and no conventional cleaning methods can sanitize every surface in a facility. In a 2012 study funded by the Pew Charitable Trust, it was reported that MRSA is responsible for an estimated 19,000 U.S. deaths and 368,000 hospitalizations per year.

Solution: Ozone is a very effective, broad based, antibacterial agent when applied with a high output generator:

Organism Kill Rate:

E. Coli-99.997%, Salmonella-99.99993%, Listeria-99.9994%, Staph-100.00%

Strep-99.9996%, MRSA-100.00% And Many more!
Because it is a reactive gas, ozone reaches everywhere air currents travel and thus can effectively treat all surfaces, including the nooks and crannies that standard cleaning practices miss. Additionally, ozone is very safe when treatments are conducted in unoccupied spaces. Ozone leaves no chemical residue behind because it converts back into clean breathable oxygen after the treatment. Ozone shock treatments are 100% safe, and ozone is currently being used to treat the food we eat and the water we drink.

Note: A high output ozone generator can only be used in an area that is vacant. Often treatments can be conducted in 2 to 24 hours, plenty of time to thoroughly disinfect a targeted area. If there is an HVAC unit, the fan can be turned to the ‘ON’ position during treatments to help distribute the gas and to eliminate anything that is hidden in the duct work.

Bacteria & Viruses killed by Ozone:


Aspergillus Niger, Bacillus Bacteria, Bacillus Anthracis ( Causes Anthrax), 

Bacillus Cereus ( Spores), Bacillus Subtilis, Bacteriophage f2, Botrytis Cinerea, C. Difficile, Candida Bacteria, Clavibacter Michiganense, Cladosporium, Clostridium Bacteria, Clostridium Botulinum, Coxsackie Virus A9, Coxsackie Virus B5, Diphtheria Pathogen, Eberth Bacillus ( Typhus), Echo Virus 29, Enteric Virus, Escherichia Coli Bacteria (from Feces), E-Coli, Encephalomyocarditis Virus, Endamoebic Cysts Bacteria, Enterovirus Virus, Fusarium Oxysporum ( Lycopersici), Fusarium Oxysporum ( Melonogea), GDVIL Virus

Hepatitis A Virus, Herpes Virus, Impetigo, Influenza Virus, Corona Virus, Klebs- Loffler Bacillus Legionella Pneumophila, Luminescent Basidiomycetes, MRSA, Mucor Piriformis

Mycobacterium Avium, Mycobacterium Foruitum, Penicillium Bacteria, Phytophthora Parasiti, Poliomyelitis Virus, Poliovirus Type 1, Proteus Bacteria, Pseudomonas Bacteria

Ringworm, Rhabdovirus Virus, Salmonella Bacteria, Salmonella Typhimurium

Schistosoma Bacteria, Stachybotrys (Black Mold), Staph Epidermidis

Staphylococcus (Staph Infection), Staphylococci, Stomatitis Virus, Streptococcus Bacteria

Tetanus Virus, Verticillium Dahliae, Vesicular Virus, Virbrio Cholera Bacteria,

Vicia Faba Progeny